Tradicionalna šestodnevna radionica Orff Schulwerk i muzikoterapija u selu Vinkovec, nedaleko od Zagreba. Posebne značajke radionica uključuju: ograničeni broj sudionika, međunarodni glazbeni pedagozi, iskusni i kvalificirani predavači na području muzikorapije, uvođenjem elemenata vrtne terapije i zajedničke glazbene sesije s završnim nastupom i koncertom. Sve aktivnosti se odvijaju u prirodnom okruženju, smještaj je u drvenim kućama, hrana iz vlastitog vrta i iz sela.
The traditional six-day workshop Orff Schulwerk and music therapy in the village of Vinkovec, near Zagreb. Special features of the workshops include: a limited number of participants, international music pedagogues, experienced and qualified lecturers in the field of music therapy. It also has a holistic approach to combining music and nature for educational and therapeutic purposes, introducing elements of garden therapy and a joint music session with final performance and concerts. All activities take place in a natural environment, accommodation in natural wooden houses, food from our own vegetable garden and from the village.