Sound of Garden

Tradicionalna šestodnevna radionica Orff Schulwerk i muzikoterapija u selu Vinkovec, nedaleko od Zagreba. Posebne značajke radionica uključuju: ograničeni broj sudionika, međunarodni glazbeni pedagozi, iskusni i kvalificirani predavači na području muzikorapije, uvođenjem elemenata vrtne terapije i zajedničke glazbene sesije s završnim nastupom i koncertom. Sve aktivnosti se odvijaju u prirodnom okruženju, smještaj je u drvenim kućama, hrana iz vlastitog vrta i iz sela.

The traditional six-day workshop Orff Schulwerk and music therapy in the village of Vinkovec, near Zagreb. Special features of the workshops include: a limited number of participants, international music pedagogues, experienced and qualified lecturers in the field of music therapy. It also has a holistic approach to combining music and nature for educational and therapeutic purposes, introducing elements of garden therapy and a joint music session with final performance and concerts. All activities take place in a natural environment, accommodation in natural wooden houses, food from our own vegetable garden and from the village.                                                                               

Sound of the Garden 2022
Senem Özyoğurtcu, Türkiye
Elina Simes, Suomi
Elin Bergdal, Suomi
Xavi Rocamora, Spain
Sound of the Garden 2021
Senem Özyoğurtcu, Türkiye
Elina Simes, Suomi
Dominika Dopierala, Poland
Sound of the Garden 2020
Konstanca Zalar, Slovenija
Sound of the Garden 2019
Kate Buchanan, Great Britain
Senem Özyoğurtcu, Türkiye
Elina Simes, Suomi


Sound of Garden 2018
Ezgi Tatar, Turska
Irina Šestopalova, Rusija
Lenka Pospišilova, Češka
 Sound of Garden 2017
Bareum Lee, Južna Koreja
Diego Rincón, Kolumbija
Jessica Lampi, Finska
 Sound of Garden 2016
Irina Šestopalova, Rusija
Clara Cruz Bonal, Španjolska
 Sound of Garden 2015
Bareum Lee, Južna Koreja
Clara Cruz Bonal, Španjolska

(for Participants only)